


Csihás Benö
Cyber Dark - Trade Mark

Csihas Beno (Čihaš Bene) is Balkan diy power violence/hard core band that was formed during the september of 2007 in Sombor ( a small town in the north of Serbia). Their music and lyrics are based on sarcasm, pointless things that are surrounding us, irony, personal experiences…etc. During the august of 2008 they have recorded an album “Cyber dark - Trade mark” that was released on CD in Croatia by diy distro/recs “Demonkracija”


A Serious Man (2009)

Directors: Ethan Coen Joel CoenA black comedy drama centered on Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern professor who watches his life unravel through multiple sudden incidents. Though seeking for meaning and answers he seems to stay stalled. The suburban Jewish Professor Lawrence 'Larry' Gopnik is facing many problems is his life: his wife has just asked the divorce; one Korean student has tried to bribe him to improve his grade; he crashed his car on the road; his next door neighbor has trespassed his lawn; his sick brother moved to his house disturbing his family. Larry unsuccessfully seeks the rabbis of his community to get answers to his problems