Rejmond Karver - Katedrala
U domenu kratke priče Raymond Carver (1939-1988) svrstava se u najznačajnije američke pisce, poput Hemingveja i Selindžera. Karverove priče stekle su svetsku popularnost i postale model i uzor mnogim savremenim autorima. Na srpski jezik prevedene su zbirke Katedrala i O čemu govorimo kada govorimo o ljubavi.
The short story "Cathedral" was included in Best American Short Stories, 1982. It is the final story in Carver's collection Cathedral (1983). With its publication Carver finally received the critical praise he had longed for. "Cathedral" is generally considered to be one of Carver's finest works displaying both his expertise in crafting a minimalist story and also writing about a catharsis with such simple story lines