


Joris-Karl Huysmans - Pripovetke

Žori-Karl Hajsmans ( Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans,) francuski pisac druge polovine devetnaestog veka.
Rođen je u Parizu. Hajsmans je započeo svoju književnu karijeru kao naturalistički pisac sa tekstovima kao što su Marthe, Histoire d'une fille (1876). Njegov roman Protiv prirode (À rebours) (1884), ima samo jedan lik, estetu Eseinta, prekida sa naturalizmom i postaje je potpuno primer "dekadentne" literature. 

Barbaric in its profusion, violent in its emphasis, wearying in its splendor, it is - especially in regard to things seen - extraordinarily expressive, with all the shades of a painter's palette. Elaborately and deliberately perverse, it is in its very perversity that Huysmans' work - so fascinating, so repellent, so instinctively artificial - comes to represent, as the work of no other writer can be said to do, the main tendencies, the chief results, of the Decadent movement in literatur